Threats to Watch Out for in 2016

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2015 is drawing to a close and that can mean only one thing – it’s time to make 2016 predictions! Some people like to prognosticate about which celebs will be dating; others focus on economic forecasts. Some people attempt to prophesy the outcomes of their fantasy football leagues.

Here at ZoneAlarm we extend our totally secure, all the time mantra to peering into the future as well. After all, the bad guys always have one eye on the future, so you should too if you want to stay safe.

To that end, we bring you ZoneAlarm’s predictions for the top 4 PC threats in 2016. These threats are already active, but they seem to be ramping up their game in an alarming way and all of us need to be prepared for them.

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Trusty Tips for Safer Tech Toy Shopping in 2015

Toys toys toysLooking for the perfect holiday gift for the kids in your life? How about a fuzzy knit sweater? Too itchy. A pair of mittens? They’ve probably got dozens. Some peppermint chocolates? Just think of the cavities.

When it comes to gift-giving in 2015, the magic word for both givers and receivers this year is technology. Kids and adults alike are pining for new technological gadgets that can do things most of us never dreamed of in holiday seasons of the past. Read more…

Top 9 Security Features We’re Thankful for This Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving


It’s almost Thanksgiving, and regardless of whether or not you celebrate the occasion, now is a great time to sit back and reflect on all the goodness and bounty we have in our tech-filled lives. Think about it. Just 10 years ago, iPhones were still two years away, Uber was a German word, and you could only use Facebook if you had aced the SAT’s and got yourself into Harvard.

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6 Foolproof Ways to Avoid Falling Prey to Social Engineering

Don't be a victim of Social Engineering. Awareness is your #1 source of protection.


Social Engineering is a pretty hot topic nowadays. It seems like every time you turn around there is another story about a major corporation, important person or institution whose data has been compromised. Often, these hacks began with an email that shouldn’t have been opened, or the revealing of information that should never have been told.

No, these attacks are not the brainchild of some evil tech genius, cranking out infected code and overrunning systems with malware. Rather, they are the results of an art that dates back as far as human existence, when the first cave man convinced the second cave man that it was entirely worthwhile to trade his woolly mammoth for a handful of rocks.

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5 Tricks To Avoid On Halloween. Your PC Security Depends On It.


It’s fun to be scared by frightening costumes and pranks at Halloween. Heck, who DOESN’T like a good DIY zombie get-up? But one thing that’s definitely NOT fun is being hit by a real-life cybercriminal who is trying to hack into your PC or steal your identity.

After all, ghosts, witches, and haunted houses are one thing. Having your PC turned into a zombie, your email hacked by a cybercriminal, or all the data on your computer held ransom by a cyber con artist – well that’s something altogether different.

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