The Largest Cybersecurity Breach Exposing 10 Billion Passwords

The RockYou2024 password leak has emerged as the largest known data breach in history, exposing approximately 10 billion passwords. Named after the infamous RockYou breach of 2009, this latest incident significantly surpasses its predecessor. In July 2024, a hacker using the alias “ObamaCare” uploaded the RockYou2024.txt file to a popular crime forum.

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FBI Warns Public About Fake Law Firms Preying on Crypto Scam Victims

Cryptocurrency has revolutionized the financial landscape, offering decentralized and secure transactions. However, this innovation has also attracted a myriad of scams, with fraudsters continuously devising new ways to exploit unsuspecting victims. Recently, the FBI issued a warning about a disturbing new trend: fake law firms targeting individuals who have already fallen victim to cryptocurrency scams.

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7 Ways to Make the Most of Cybersecurity Awareness Month

October is a month often associated with the spookiness of Halloween, but for the tech-savvy, it also marks Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Founded in 2004 by the National Cyber Security Alliance, this month is designated to shed light on the growing importance of cybersecurity. In our increasingly interconnected world, the threat of cyberattacks looms larger than ever, impacting not just corporations and governments but also the everyday lives of individuals.

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LinkedIn Security Breach Unfolds as Hijack Campaign Strikes

In today’s interconnected digital landscape, the importance of cybersecurity has become undeniable. LinkedIn, the renowned professional networking platform, faces a mounting concern with a sudden surge in account takeovers and user frustrations. This rise in security breaches shines a light on the challenges of online safety, especially when personal and professional worlds merge seamlessly.

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Tesla Owner Unlocks and Drives Off with the Wrong Vehicle by Mistake

On a typical day in Vancouver, Canada, Rajesh Randev, an immigration consultant, found himself in an unusual situation when he realized he had driven away in the wrong Tesla.

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