7 Tips for How to Shop Safely on Black Friday & Cyber Monday

Shop Safely OnlineThe convenience of online shopping makes purchasing so much easier, especially during Black Friday when stores are madhouses and you want to be sure that you’re getting the best deals at the best prices! Online shopping has additional risks that we need to be extra careful of. Check out these tips for how to shop safely online.


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The Evolution of the Ransomware Threat

Ransomware OriginsIf you’re a news junkie you’ve probably heard about one of the most effective threats – ransomware. Every time you turn on the news there’s another report of a medical system, university or even electrical grid being brought to its knees by data-encrypting criminals who hold precious information until ransom has been paid.

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Zcrypt – What’s Old is New Again

Zcrypt!What do you get when you cross ransomware with a virus? Zcrypt. It’s a new and dangerous ransomware/virus hybrid. It’s a combination of how damaging a ransomware attack can be to your privacy, having an old twist on new methods.

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5 Tricks to Ensure You Won’t Get Hacked!

halloween hacker tricks

With Halloween around the corner, cybercriminals are pulling out their biggest bag of tricks. Make sure that this Halloween brings you only the good kind of treats, staying far away from malicious tricks that are brewing up this Halloween season.





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How the Internet Shut Down – The DDoS Attack on Dyn

DDoS Attack on DynThis past Friday, October 21, there was a cyber-attack carried out that interrupted website access and crashed the internet. It was caused by a massive Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack on a major Domain Name System (DNS) provider, Dyn. Read more…