9 Ways to Avoid Online Shopping Traps (Just in Time for Mother’s Day)

Flowers are a great Mother's Day gift.

Want your Mother’s Day flowers to arrive? Order from a trusted and reputable site.

So it’s a week or so before Mother’s Day and you’re thinking about what to get for your mom. Buy her a book on Amazon? Send her a bouquet of flowers via an online florist? Buy tickets online for an upcoming show?

If you’re like millions of sons and daughters, you’ll probably shop for your mother online this year. It’s a great convenience, that’s true, but it also poses hazards. After all, though online shopping is handy, it can lead to trouble.

The potential dangers of online shopping certainly don’t mean your mother should be deprived of a gift this year. Heaven forbid! And they also don’t mean you need to drive cross-country to drop off your gift in person (though she might appreciate that). What they do mean is that if you want to shop online and not get burned, you need to take some precautions.

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4 Ways to Protect Your Privacy on Public WiFi

Public Wifi is convenient, but is it safe?

Public Wifi is convenient, but is it safe?

Internet cafés are so 2014. Today, almost every café worth its coffee beans offers free public WiFi. So do fast food restaurants, bus stops, intercity trains, airports, malls, libraries, hotels, and public toilets. Yes, even public toilets.

But the fact that WiFi is public and free doesn’t mean that it’s safe. To the contrary, it could be quite dangerous. Because if WiFi is free and accessible to you, then it’s free and accessible to everyone, including hackers.

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The Year of the Hack: How to Prevent Your Personal Data from being Hacked


When hackers breach banks and retailers, there’s not much you can do. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to protect your personal data from falling into the wrong hands.








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The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet

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Technology can be defined as applications, instruments, or processes that enhance or simplify the aspects of everyday life. The vehicle you use to drive to work is an example of technology that simplifies life. Or, the Internet, as a whole, can be seen as technology that has greatly enhanced our lives. While the introduction of the Internet led to many benefits, unfortunately, it also came with its own set of problems. Most significantly, these problems can negatively impact your security and privacy.
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7 Ways to Stay Secure This New Year

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The New Year means a fresh start for many people. For some, their attempt at this new journey begins by creating a list of resolutions.

As time progresses, many people find that some items on their New Year’s resolution lists get pushed back or even ignored. While it might be acceptable to postpone certain items on your list, security is definitely something you cannot afford to put on the backburner. If you neglect your security, it could lead you down the path of a not-so happy year.
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