If you’re a recent college graduate or are otherwise new to the workforce (or even if you’ve had jobs before), you could fall victim to an online job scam if you’re not careful. Particularly during challenging economic times when jobs are scarce and your bills are quickly piling up, desperation might set in and cause you to let down your guard.
Continue Reading… Are You Being Worked? How to Detect Online Job Scams
It’s easier than ever to set up a wireless network. Plop in a WiFi router and connect to a DSL or cable modem, or if you are one of the lucky ones, with a FiOS box. But before you start online banking, shopping, and surfing the Web, make sure your network is secure from intruders.
Continue Reading… How to Secure Your WiFi Network
Facebook makes sharing really easy. It doesn’t matter whether you want to show off video or photos, tell your friends about a site you liked, or just start a conversation. Type in a few words and a few clicks later, that gem is out there for your friends to see.
Continue reading… How to Lock Down Your Facebook Profile