13 Spooky Cybersecurity Facts for Halloween and Cyber Security Awareness Month

We celebrate Halloween this year quite differently than ever before. Due to the COVID pandemic, trick or treating, parties, and events are all cancelled or moved online. ZoneAlarm wanted to bring you 13 spooky cybersecurity stats in light of Halloween and Cyber Security Awareness Month:

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Is Video Conferencing Still A Security Risk to Your Business?

This year with COVID, the American worker is working differently –as well as shopping, being entertained, and living differently. Part of that difference very likely involves conducting meetings virtually, with video conference platforms such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Skype, GoTo Meeting, Blue Jeans, etc.

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How to Choose a Good Password

Passwords. We need them for almost everything nowadays. Entering our phones, our computers, social media, and almost any website that involves a credit card purchase or includes personal details. Every time we start a new account on a password-protected site or system, we’re prompted to create a password.

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Back to School – Remote Learning Security Amid Covid-19 Pandemic

Just as in every year, September marks the end of summer and the beginning of the school year. But whereas in years past the biggest issue facing many students was making sure they had the right gear or remembering the combination on their locker, the school looks very different in the time of COVID.

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Protecting your Devices’ Mic from Hackers

Eavesdropping. It used to be something we did to people who shared the same space with us before text messages was a thing. We would put our ear against the door and desperately tried to pick up any parts we could of the secret conversation in the next room. Nowadays, we can have a conversation with a friend about the new Kanye West album, and then as soon as we go into Facebook, what do you know? An ad for that Yeezus album comes up.

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