The Truth about Cloud Security

Most people have been using cloud technology for quite some time, even if they didn't know it.

Ahhh, The Cloud. The word that used to conjure images of wispy floating droplets of water now means something very different. And as you probably know, the new definition has less to do with earth science and more to do with computer science.

We’re dedicating this week’s blog to taking a deeper dive into the inner workings of the cloud and explore how it can help improve your PC safety.

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Capsule. Your solution to mobile privacy.

ZoneAlarm lets you know which apps are tracking you

Capsule is ZoneAlarm’s powerful mobile security product, designed to provide you with privacy and security on your Android device, especially on public WiFi.

The world is moving to mobile, but the world of mobile threats is expanding every day. Apps that track you, hackers that eavesdrop on your communications, and app vulnerabilities that can expose your device to criminals are just some of the issues that threaten privacy on your mobile device. ZoneAlarm Capsule is designed to protect you from all these threats, so you can regain your privacy.

We talked with Uri Braun, one of ZoneAlarm Capsule’s R&D Managers, to learn more about how ZoneAlarm Capsule protects people’s privacy and security on their mobile device. Read more…

ZoneAlarm Launches Windows 10 Compatible Antivirus Software

ZoneAlarm Extreme Security 2016 Extends Its Complete Protection to Windows 10 With a Free 30-Day Version

Check Point® Software Technologies Ltd. (NASDAQ: CHKP), the largest pure-play security vendor globally, today announced the beta launch of the Windows 10 compatible version of its flagship consumer PC product, ZoneAlarm Extreme Security 2016. The version of the antivirus software will offer all the functionality of the full version that customers enjoy on other versions of Windows and will be available for free to all customers for a 30-day trial.

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Announcing: ZoneAlarm Extreme Security 2016 (Beta)

ZoneAlarm Extreme Security 2016 - Sneak Peak

Windows 10 Compatible, And Ready for Download

The world is anticipating July 29 in a pretty big way, since that’s when Microsoft will start rolling out its brand new operating system, Windows 10. We’re pretty excited about it here at ZoneAlarm (and have even written a blog about its safety features, which you can read here).

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Windows 10 – 5 Safety Features That Make Us Want to Upgrade

If your computer runs Windows 7 or 8, you likely noticed something different on the bottom right side of your computer screen recently. What you may have noticed is the icon for Windows 10, due out at the end of this month. And while Windows 8 was just a tad, shall we say, underwhelming, this newest Windows incarnation seems to hit all the targets that its predecessor missed, including addressing many security concerns. Let’s take a look at 5 security features that make Windows 10 a game changer when it comes to your safety. Read more…