The Year of the Hack: How to Prevent Your Personal Data from being Hacked


When hackers breach banks and retailers, there’s not much you can do. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to protect your personal data from falling into the wrong hands.








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Is That Software Update Actually Malware?

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Is that Adobe Flash update notification you received legitimate? Or is it a scam designed to install malware on your computer?

Cybercriminals disguise malware as pop-up notifications to update Adobe Flash, Adobe Reader, Web browsers, Java or other mainstream software. The update notifications are designed to look legitimate, such that unsuspecting individuals are unlikely to think twice before clicking on “Install”.

But when and where do these fake software requests tend to appear? And how can you tell a real update request from a fake one? Here’s what you need to know.
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How Valuable is Your Email Account to Hackers?

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Your email archive is full of information that’s valuable to you—and to cybercriminals.

The combination of plentiful email storage and relaxed password practices enable criminals to do their worst. Many Web-based email systems now offer multiple gigabytes of storage for free. For example, Google gives you 15GB to share across Gmail, Google Drive, and other Google services. With all that free storage, you may be using your email account as a kind of searchable archive of important data. And you probably don’t delete messages that you might have erased in the past. With gigabytes of storage, why bother? You may need those messages for reference later.
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The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet

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Technology can be defined as applications, instruments, or processes that enhance or simplify the aspects of everyday life. The vehicle you use to drive to work is an example of technology that simplifies life. Or, the Internet, as a whole, can be seen as technology that has greatly enhanced our lives. While the introduction of the Internet led to many benefits, unfortunately, it also came with its own set of problems. Most significantly, these problems can negatively impact your security and privacy.
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How Secure is Your WiFi-Enabled Camera?

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In this day and age, digital cameras such as still image and video recording cameras, home surveillance devices, and baby monitors all come with WiFi capabilities. While there are benefits of WiFi-enabled cameras, unfortunately, there’s also the potential for security concerns. For example, just in November 2014, the BBC reported that a Russian website displayed live feeds from private webcams, baby monitors, and CCTV systems from more than 250 countries to prove how easy it can be for attackers to access these cameras.
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