How to Turn on Login Approvals on Facebook


Account hijacking is a big problem on Facebook, where attackers manage to guess—or brute-force—your passwords. Two-factor authentication can help make it harder for criminals to take over your account.

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7 Ways to Protect Your Android Device

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Android devices seem to be continually under attack, with new reports of malware almost every day. However, the biggest threats against your Android phone or tablet aren’t malware, but rather unauthorized users who may access your information.
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How to Lock Down Your Facebook Profile

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Facebook makes sharing really easy. It doesn’t matter whether you want to show off video or photos, tell your friends about a site you liked, or just start a conversation. Type in a few words and a few clicks later, that gem is out there for your friends to see.
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Spring Clean Your Electronics By Upgrading, Updating, and Deleting Software

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With the weather warming up, it’s time for spring cleaning. Not just the closets, not the house, or the backyard, but all the computers and mobile devices can benefit from some TLC. Boost the security defenses, upgrade software, and make sure the data is protected.
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Keep What Happens in Vegas in Vegas

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As summer rapidly approaches, so comes a time of the year when the mice will play: getaways to the pool and beach, places to let your hair down – but not your guard!
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