Don’t Let Your PC Get Held For Ransom

“Ransom” may elicit a vision of ships, pirates, and hostages. And while ransoms do take place in dangerous parts of the world, certain forms of ransoms are a lot closer to home. We’re talking about ransomware, malware that holds your computer for ransom and demands some amount of money, to be paid to “unlock” it.
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Protecting Kids Online

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With kids accessing the Internet to check their email, to browse the Web and play online games, or just to stay connected with friends and family through chat or social networking services, the risk of being exposed to many online dangers becomes very real. Here in our infographic, we address some of the online dangers kids could face, ways they can be exposed, and a few steps parents can take to keep their kids safe.
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How to Turn on Two-factor Authentication for Your Email Accounts

Two-Factor Authentication
Our email accounts contain a ton of information about ourselves. We sign up for bank accounts, buy things online, and communicate with others using our email addresses. And the only thing keeping the attackers out is the strength of our passwords.

No matter how complex the passwords are, they are not foolproof. The attackers have cracking tools at their disposal and other tricks to get access to our accounts. Two-factor authentication prevents attackers from getting in even when they’ve gotten our passwords.
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Facebook Clickjacking Scams

Facebook has a ton of apps. Some are great for sharing what music you are listening to, or seeing what articles your friends are reading, or for playing games. Then there are those apps that promise to show you something really cute or shocking, if you would just click on the button on this page.
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The Cost of Insecurity: The Dangers of Lacking PC Security

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Many of our commonly performed tasks can actually expose our PC to malware, and lacking basic PC security can lead to dire consequences. The cost of a security solution is insignificant compared to the substantial loss and damages you can incur from not being protected in the first place.
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