Practically anywhere you go, you’ll come across free WiFi hotspots. However, this free service could spell trouble. We explore the security risks of public hotspots and what to consider before connecting to public WiFi.
Continue Reading… The Risks of Public Hotspots: How Free WiFi Can Harm You
It’s safe to say at one point or another, we’ve all used USB drives to transfer and retrieve files from one computer to the next. As convenient as USB drives are for this purpose, it’s also extremely easy for attackers to distribute malware in the same fashion.
Continue Reading… USB Drives: Are You Plugging Malware into Your PC?
In some ways, protecting your computer safe can be thought of the same way as protecting your home.
In both cases, you have to be concerned about people breaking in, and in both your computer and your home, you need to be sure to lock the doors and turn on the alarm. But what happens if there are doors or windows at your house that you did not realize were open? Suddenly, fortifying your home just became more complicated.
Continue Reading… Zero-days: Exploits that take advantage of the unknown
If you’re an employee or someone who is looking for an employer, you likely have a LinkedIn account. Your LinkedIn account not only connects you other employees and employers, but it also contains personal information about your education, work history, and other contact information like home address, phone number, etc…
Continue Reading… How to Turn on Two-step Verification for Your LinkedIn Account
Your mobile device is a valuable target to thieves. You never know when one will strike: one minute you’re typing a text, and the next, your smartphone is snatched right out of your hands. We show how and where mobile theft occurs and what you can do to prevent it from happening to you.
Continue Reading… Smartphone Theft in the US