Governments’ Coronavirus Financial Relief Targeted by Cybercriminals

“Scammers are leveraging the COVID-19 pandemic to steal your money, your personal information, or both.” FBI Public Service Announcement, March 2020.

As we are all much too aware, the Covid-19 pandemic has caused massive – and very rapid – economic, political, and societal upheaval. While it has forced lay-offs and shut down entire industries from main street to the mall and beyond, one area that hasn’t seen a slowdown is cybercrime. 

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3 Ways to Secure Yourself From Common Web Attacks

With the increase in largely-publicized security breaches to corporate giants such as Google, Facebook, and Target, terms such as “phishing” and “ransomware” have been growing in popularity. You may know them as the fishy emails from seemingly legitimate companies telling you something is wrong with your account and urging you to insert your credentials.

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Top 10 Brand Phishing Companies

By 2020, you’ve probably already experienced getting an email from a well-known company, such as Apple or Facebook, letting you know that your account has some issues with it or a payment confirmation of some sort (that you haven’t made). The email address it was sent from looks just like the company’s email, the interface of the message matches previous emails from the company, and the company website in the link looks real as well.

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Coronavirus: New Phishing Campaigns Exploit the Global Panic

Unless you’ve been in complete lack of contact with the world, you’ve probably heard of the coronavirus pandemic going around. With widespread travel bans, quarantines, and school and workplace shutdowns, the growing panic can be felt, as people are clearing out supermarket aisles of sanitary goods and take all necessary precautions to not catch the deadly virus.

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Data Privacy Day 2020: 4 Ways to Protect Your Data

With the rollout of the California Consumer Privacy Act this month, many people wonder what data protection means, and why they should care. This act was passed in order to give consumers more insight and control over how their data is collected, used, stored, and shared.

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